
To work for companies and people whose business transcend the boundaries between different legal systems and legal traditions, enjoying a high degree of legal security



To provide high-standard legal services and technical assistance for the benefit of companies and business people all over the world.


Strengths Values


The firm is known for the high-quality and scientific excellence of its work, for the development of creative solutions and for its contribution to business deals over the last twenty years.

Global Network

The strength of the firm derives from the links it maintains with major legal firms worldwide and from the co-operation with them on a continuing basis and ongoing deals. The firm is a centre within which world experts work together on the basis of mutual trust, support and respect.

Diversity of Legal Traditions

The diversity of legal traditions during the ongoing deals makes the firm a unique forum for the development of universally acceptable solutions.



budapest dubai germany israel london madrid milan moscow new york washington san francisco miami los angeles chicago san francisco denver miami san francisco singapore hong kong taipei peking buenos aires san paolo new delphi sidney